Once you enter edit mode the website page will be reloaded and various elements of the website will be surrounding in red dotted lines.

Updating your text and images is quick and easy with Concrete5.

Edit menu

Simply hover your mouse over the area of content you wish to edit. The content area or "block" will turn dark grey and when you left click on the area, a menu will appear.

Note: The layout of the page may change slightly depending on your particular website layout and add-ons installed. 

Menu options

  • Edit – Clicking this on a text area will launch a WYSIWYG editor. Some specific modules will load up different interfaces but for specific information on your installation see the modules section. Mainly as an editor you will be dealing with WYSIWYGs.
  • Copy to clipboard – You can use this to copy blocks from one page to another.
  • Move – You can drag and drop blocks from one editable section to another editable section using this option.
  • Delete – This will delete the block that currently occupies that section of the page.
  • Design – This allows you to add specific styles to elements in this area. This would usually be used by developers and not editors, but if you know CSS you can add some custom elements to the section in question.
  • Custom template – Usually this is only used for certain modules to define certain layouts for content. You won’t need to look at this.